When you go to watch a porn video in VR, you have two options: stream or download. While that may sound obvious, there are some things to consider before you do either. For the sake of this blog, let’s assume you decide to stream. I’m here to give you a few pointers on streaming VR porn
Before I get into it, I want to tell you how much streaming has improved in the last few years. When VR porn first hit the scene, you couldn’t stream at all. Most sites just wouldn’t let you. And the ones that did? It was a mess. Laggy, buggy and the quality sucked. It’s still not perfect, but it is noticeably better.
What Are the Pros of Streaming VR?
So why would anyone choose to stream a video? The main reason I do it is that it saves me time. Depending on the file size (some can be as big as 10GB), downloading can take a while. Streaming is instant.
Imagine for a second you’re on a site like VR Bangers. They have hundreds of videos and you’re going to want to watch them all. There’s simply no way you could download the entire collection. I mean, conceivably you could, but it would take an incredibly long time, even with high-speed internet.
What Are the Limitations of Streaming?
Streaming does not come without its challenges. For one, there’s still the potential for lag. There’s nothing worse than getting immersed in a scene only to have it pause to buffer.
The other con is quality. Many sites offer downloads anywhere from 5K to 8K! Impressive, right? Well, streaming VR porn at that resolution is all but impossible. As of right now, most sites only provide streams up to 4K. They still look great, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the smoothness you get with a downloaded scene.
When a video lags or buffers a lot, it sometimes creates motion blur, which can lead to motion sickness. It’s not fun, but most people get used to it after a while. Check out my blog on how to avoid motion sickness.
How Do I Stream VR Porn?
Whether you’re using a smartphone-powered headset like the Gear VR or something more powerful like the Rift, the process is the same. Put your device on, use the built-in browser (smartphones may vary), go to your site of choice and simply hit play. It’s very straightforward.
As easy as it is though, I prefer to use an app. It’s quicker and provides much more functionality. So without further ado, let me answer your next question…
What Is the Best VR Streaming App?
Deo VR is the holy grail of streaming. It’s a free app that’s available for every headset, except the PSVR (hopefully that’ll change). When watching porn, it’s my number one choice because the lag and buffering issues you sometimes encounter rarely occur when you’re using the app.
The interface mimics a theatre and browsing is easy. It also has several customization options. For example, if you ever felt a little nausea or dizzy, it could be because the head-tracking was off, which you can adjust in the app.
While this app wasn’t technically designed for porn, it’s your best option. The developers are always working on improving things, releasing patches and bug fixes.
Explore Other Free VR Apps
VR Bangers has its own app called PLAY’A. You can download it directly from the site. It has additional features that let you adjust the quality and camera mode. There’s even a Panic button in case someone walks in on you unexpectedly.
SkyBox is a neat little app that streams downloaded videos from your PC or mobile over wi-fi. And it beams them to your headset without sacrificing quality. It has a clean interface with tons of customization options and is supported on all VR platforms.
Plex is another app that functions similarly to SkyBox. It’s also free. It’s not better or worse than SkyBox, but it functions in a similar way, where you can sync media from your PC or smartphone and get it to play on your VR device.
Which Headsets Are Best For Streaming?
It’s not wrong to assume that headsets like the Rift and Vive, with incredibly powerful processors and graphics cards, will have an easier time streaming VR porn with minimal lag. But wireless headsets like the Quest are making huge strides, too.
The Quest 2, released in October 2020, is a good example because up until now, wireless headsets were limited in power. The Q2 has a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Platform, which is a strong CPU designed specifically for processing VR videos in vivid detail.
The Best Sites to Stream VR Porn
Now that you know most of the ins and outs, here are some of my favorite sites to stream virtual porn movies.
- VR Porn: This tube site has thousands of free previews from some of the best sites. There’s also a premium version that gives you the full versions as well as a bunch of additional content.
- VR Bangers: This is where you’ll find that free PLAYA’ app. It also works on their other properties, VRB Trans and VRB Gay. It’s compatible with all headsets and is super easy to use.
- Virtual Real Porn: When I first reviewed VRP, the streams were laggy. But they’ve since upped their game and I watched several movies without issue. Plus, the scenes are compatible with smart sex toys, which brings your VR experience to the next level.
- WankzVR: A virtual porn site with a ton of great videos featuring well-known pornstars, with themes ranging from fucking your stepsister to having a threesome with your girlfriend and her best friend. They’ve also remastered many of their older videos. The streams will work well with Deo VR, too.
Experience the Benefits of Streaming VR
I hope I’ve answered all your questions on streaming VR porn. I always seek to make your VR experience a positive one, like when I shared my tips on making VR more comfortable. As someone who was once not a fan of streaming, I’m glad to say it’s come a long way.